Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is funding allocated to schools to help them close the attainment gap. This funding creates a focus for schools to prioritise the achievement of children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Our aim at Tudor Grange Academy Kingshurst is to close the gap that currently exists between Pupil Premium (PP) and Non-PP students. However, PP is more than just funding, it provides a focus, ensuring the achievement of children from disadvantaged backgrounds is a priority. Our current approach focuses on the following key priorities;

  • Quality First Teaching
  • Student Progress
  • Attendance
  • Identification of barriers to learning
  • Family engagement and welfare

Alongside this, we will still be delivering life changing experiences that students can draw upon to become successful in society, their career and the world of work. It is through this cultural capital that students will have the desire to aspire and achieve social mobility, regardless of their starting point.

Further details on the Pupil Premium budget, along with details of how funds have been allocated to target key priority areas can be found in the documents below;

If you wish to check your eligibility for Free School Meals, please go directly to https://www.gov.uk/apply-free-school-meals This will then take you through a safe route to our Local Council website where you can find details of how to apply.